Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I think I can, I think I can...

Hello from our new place in teeny-tiny little Dolphin, Virginia! Just take a right into the driveway here at our cute new mailbox that my hubby built, and you're here. Come on in, I've finally finished unpacking my stamping stuff and I'm dying to get down to business :)

Okay, I made a vain attempt at this "Blogging" thing several months ago, and then, BAM!, off we went moving from state-to-state and I was off line, in transition and completely out of touch. In other words, the whole idea got put on extended hold and I seemed to just fall off the planet...

Well, I'm getting back in the loop, and I see that everyone who's anyone has a blog. So here I am ready to start over and see if I can keep it going this time. (My secret, ulterior motive is that this will give me an excuse to put down my paint roller and stamp! shhhh...don't tell my hubby and kids I'm taking breaks from remodeling this ol' house!)

But so many of my sister-stampers have such great blogs displaying such AMAZING work, it is impossible not to get inspired to get in the game! And I hope that I can not only have an outlet for my inspiration, but maybe pass it on, as well. I'm only a beginner, and TOTALLY cheating by using one of these pre-made, click-and-go blog things, but I hope as I get the hang of it, I can aspire to bloggish greatness...or maybe just learn how to use this computer!

So, thanks for stopping by, please visit again and often for projects, ideas, the latest news from "down south" (ugh!), and sharing.

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