Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Summery State of Mind

When is a bathing suit related to stamping? When it's the inspiration for a Stamping Challenge!

Recently, in honor of the end of Summer, the wonderful offerings of Athleta Swimwear were put out as the inspiration for a stamping challenge. TRY simply viewing Athleta's website and NOT shopping - close to impossible! Also impossible NOT to get inspired, they have SO many gorgeous colors and styles!

I finally chose this one from which to create a project. I just love the bright colors and bold design. I could not match that fabulous Magenta exactly, but I tried!

This is my project. I loved the triangular suggestion of the neckline, and how the touches of white made the colors pop. I also thought the brown was a really rich background color that complimented it all nicely. Those were the elements I tried to add to this card. Hope it puts you in a summery state of mind!

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